

I've had a privilege to attend a lecture by legendary Robert Waldinger who led the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest study that focused on investigating the factors that contribute to a long and happy life. The key findings of the study are that strong social connections and positive relationships are the most important factors for overall well- being and longevity; essentially "good relationships are the key to a good life". Here are some other facts:

  • quality of relationships matter more than quantity
  • emotional intelligence ( the ability to tune into other's emotions) plays a significant role in maintaining relationships
  • our physical health is closely linked to our mental well-being
  • engaging in meaningful work contributes to life satisfaction
  • healthy lifestyle and regular exercises enhance happiness
  • gratitude and mindfulness practices can improve our happiness
  • financial stability is important as we need to have our basic needs covered. However it seems to have diminishing returns on happiness
  • lifelong learning and personal growth are essential for sustained happiness

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